Begin Here

Remember the Kanji 1 Flashcards
Remember the Kanji 2 Flashcards
Primitive Flashcards
Primitive Images
Kanji Chart, A 日本語勉強ブログ Exclusive (Coming Soon)

30 January 2011

Remembering the Kanji: Primitives

I've created a digital flashcard version of the primitives which can be found [here].
Note these are still subject to editing because I've not gotten through the final 242 frames yet. But I'm close!

28 January 2011

Primitives On The Table

So I took a week off and now I am back into the swing of things. All of the primitives are now listed on my table. Using screen caps of a PDF version of Remembering the Kanji Volume 1, I was able to drag each of them into the table. Its beautiful. I will also create a digital flash card deck and make it available for all to use. Though it will not be on because they charge $20 for image based flashcards.

As a side note, will be closing. The site is transitioning to and will sadly be a charge based site. The good news is that I will be able to complete Volume 1 before the site goes down. However, at a monthly charge of 1000円 or about $12, I highly doubt I will continue to use the site. Interestingly enough, the site has also greatly improved its vocabulary based lessons with an incredibly important element, native speaker. They have recording of entire sentence with kanji based lesson and no romaji!

The countdown continues to frame 2042!

19 January 2011

Change of Plans

I don't think I'm retaining this stuff as well as I should be. Scratch that, I know I'm not. Retuning to the Rosetta is one of the best things I could have done. Not only does it show me how far I've come, but also how far I still need to know. Kanji I've gone over are slipping out of my head. And I know this is because I'm not being as strict as I should be about my reviewing. To be honest, I just want to be done with this daily card making and studying. But I'm not going to stop when I am this close, I refuse to. There is no point in me continuing with the last ~300 kanji if I forget that which I've already 'learned'. So, tomorrow I'm stoping for a week to do a review. I need this. And I'm embarrassed to say, but I need to review my kana, particularly the extended syllabratry. I'm taking a week off starting tomorrow. I'm surprised at myself for choosing to begin in the middle of the week. But this is something I need to do now.

Another thing I've noticed is that Heisig method is by no means perfect. The fact was emphasized for me today when I realized the kanji 誰 is in the second volume near the end of the book. This fundamental kanji for 'who' doesn't show up in the first volume? I plan to continue on and complete that later kanji set, but only after I learn the sounds for the first set.

18 January 2011

Counting Down

Up until now, I've been counting up to that magic number of 2042. But now, I feel as if I'm counting down. After this week, only two and a half to go. My motivation is constantly wavering due to all the bullshit in my life. But this is meant to be a happy blog with no bitching. Therefore, ignore the previous two sentences.

I have a new review strategy that should last the remainder of the study session. I need to review at minimum, a thousand frames per week. So daily, I will review 100 flashcards plus 50 via I've decided to forego that additional review week I had previously considered in favor of finishing Volume 1 more quickly. I'll spend probably four week in an intensive review with something like 300 plus frames a day at least until I begin Volume 2.

As a side note, I've return to the Rosetta Stone core lesson to write sentences. And so far, that has been my greatest kick of motivation to continue, because thus far, I've only come across 1 kanji that I had to look up, and thats merely because its a frame I haven't gotten to yet. Results. Yay. I plan to keep that up for now.

10 January 2011

Final Task

My final task in learning Japanese, the thing that will officially announce that I have learned the language, is when I can return to my stories and write them out in a composition notebook entirely in Japanese. It will consist of kanji, English keyword and the story in Japanese. This is of course a far flung future event. But I find that it is best to set goals like this because they give a sense of purpose beyond blindly bungling along.

06 January 2011

深い森 (ふかいもり)

Click for a larger version of the furigana lyrics to "深い森".
I would suggest right clicking and opening the lyrics in a new tab so they can read while you listen to the song.