I realize that learning Japanese is a massive undertaking. Personally, I'm considering it a new hobby. Some people collect stamps, I'll collect a language. For the time being, this blog will be a record of what I have done thus far, what I plan to do in the future, and a place to post my work as I go. By the end, I expect this blog will be completely written in Japanese. To be honest, I do not truly foresee this blog amassing a following of any sort. However, you're welcome to prove me wrong.
Begin Here
Remember the Kanji 2 Flashcards
Primitive Flashcards
Primitive Images
Kanji Chart, A 日本語勉強ブログ Exclusive (Coming Soon)
30 January 2011
Remembering the Kanji: Primitives
28 January 2011
Primitives On The Table
19 January 2011
Change of Plans
I don't think I'm retaining this stuff as well as I should be. Scratch that, I know I'm not. Retuning to the Rosetta is one of the best things I could have done. Not only does it show me how far I've come, but also how far I still need to know. Kanji I've gone over are slipping out of my head. And I know this is because I'm not being as strict as I should be about my reviewing. To be honest, I just want to be done with this daily card making and studying. But I'm not going to stop when I am this close, I refuse to. There is no point in me continuing with the last ~300 kanji if I forget that which I've already 'learned'. So, tomorrow I'm stoping for a week to do a review. I need this. And I'm embarrassed to say, but I need to review my kana, particularly the extended syllabratry. I'm taking a week off starting tomorrow. I'm surprised at myself for choosing to begin in the middle of the week. But this is something I need to do now.
Another thing I've noticed is that Heisig method is by no means perfect. The fact was emphasized for me today when I realized the kanji 誰 is in the second volume near the end of the book. This fundamental kanji for 'who' doesn't show up in the first volume? I plan to continue on and complete that later kanji set, but only after I learn the sounds for the first set.