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Remember the Kanji 1 Flashcards
Remember the Kanji 2 Flashcards
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Kanji Chart, A 日本語勉強ブログ Exclusive (Coming Soon)

19 August 2010

Revised Daily Study Routine

Due to the suggestions made by Heisig in Lesson 11 of the book, I have decided to revise my daily study routine. As he states, simply learning to recognize the kanji and remember their meaning is not sufficient. I must also be capable of producing the kanji handwritten with only the key word and no other reference.

  1. As soon as I wake, between 6:30 and 7:00 am, I wash my face, brush my teeth and sit at my desk to make the day's flash cards. When they are complete, I run through them, looking at the kanji and reciting the key word and the short story.
  2. Around noon, I attempt to draw the kanji by hand with only the key word as a reference. Any kanji done incorrectly, will be reshuffled and reattempted.
  3. Around 5:00 pm, I run through the cards once more.
  4. Around 8:00pm, I visit the Flash Card Exchange (This website will be detailed in depth in my next blog post). There I test myself with 50 cards from the current week's relevant lessons.
|Interestingly enough, this revised daily study routine is subject to revision|

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