Begin Here

Remember the Kanji 1 Flashcards
Remember the Kanji 2 Flashcards
Primitive Flashcards
Primitive Images
Kanji Chart, A 日本語勉強ブログ Exclusive (Coming Soon)

20 October 2010


I'm going to nix for a couple of days. For some reason it seemed like a smart idea to start my review session with it simply because its a short term goal with tangible results. Its something I can celebrate when I complete it. But, I've realized this afternoon, as I stared blankly at my computer screen, that my goal here is not to complete because its something I started. But rather to review kanji that I have neglected for weeks. So the new plan is to nix everything digital for a few days, and focus only on the 1000 flashcards that occupy a shoebox on my dresser. I made those things and damn it, I'm going to use them.

I'm also making a new rule of doing a quick review of at least 100 cards twice a week once I get back to my regular schedule. Cyberspace has nifty tool that are great and everything, but old school, hardcore flashcards work too.

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