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19 November 2010

Revised Weekly Study Schedule.

I know. Another revisal? Learning Japanese is a work in progress; one which requires many revisions. Having a plan written down and staring me in the face helps me stay focused. This is the reason I keep posting them.
  • 月曜日
  1. Review last weeks flashcard set.
  2. Read through the day's 20 flashcards.
  3. Make the day's flashcard set.
  4. Run though the flashcards while palming the strokes once.
  5. Run though them twice more in the course of the day.
  6. Type the day's 20 to RTK site.
  • 火曜日, 水曜日, 木曜日, 金曜日
  1. Review yesterday's flashcard set.
  2. Read through the day's 20 flashcards
  3. Make the day's flashcard set.
  4. Run though the flashcards while palming the strokes once.
  5. Run though them twice more in the course of the day.
  6. Type the day's 20 to RTK site.
  • 土曜日
  1. Review the week's 100 flashcard set.
  2. Create lesson.
  3. Complete, at minimum, 1/2 of the Heisig Kanji notebook.
  4. Complete 1/4 of the lesson as studied.
  • 日曜日
  1. Review the week's 100 flashcard set.
  2. Complete remainder of Heisig Kanji notebook.
  3. Complete, at minimum, 1/2 of the lesson as studied.

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