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03 March 2011


I am still basically in review mode. Though honestly, I'm itching to start RTK 2, I can't seem to find a workable study tool to aid me. My biggest problem with RTK 1 was my inconsistency, I was simply making it up as I go. This time around, would like to begin on the right foot, instill consistency, that way I finnish as quickly as possible.

I don't have the time or the energy to make my own study tools. There seems to be tons of available study tools for RTK 1 online, however, few if none for RTK 2. I have a simple theory as to why that is. Few people actually complete RTK 1 and by the time they do, they have lost the enthusiasm for creating massive amounts of study material.

For me it would be a matter of cutting and pasting from my chart, but I've lost my faith in these sites in a way., a site I relied on heavily is now going to a pay model at the end of this month. I fear that other site may do the same or simply go down part way though my study process. Technically, anything you create on most sites, belongs to that site. Its in all that fine print you usually skip reading when creating your account.

As of right now, is my main study tool. I've been seriously considering Anki, however the ready made study decks don't seem to want to cooperate with the RTK 2 frame number ordering. Its frustrating. I want to start, but I want to avoid the mistake I made the first time round. I'll give myself until monday to figure out something.

A kind, kind person over on has helped me with my Anki problem. Here is a copy of the directions they gave me as to editing Anki decks. Click here to download the RTK 2 deck they created.

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