I find it incredibly difficult to crawl my way out of bed in the morning and study brand new material. I end up laying there, dreading it. Also, I seem to have little problem remembering the meanings of new compounds, however I can't get the sounds to stick in my brain. Its like throwing darts at a board and having 80% of them bounce back off. Its ridiculous. But I may have a solution, talking to myself. No I haven't completely lost it. But I do have a Mac with a nifty program called Garageband with which I can record myself describing the compounds, giving the readings and the definitions.
In light of these new developments, I have, surprise, surprise, a new study method:
Night before - type frames in iWorks Numbers
Morning - jog / stretch
paste flashcards in flashcardexchange.com - 15 min max
record reading in garageband, export to itunes, sync ipod - 10 min max
listen 1 -6 min
listen 2 - pausing and writing compounds -12 min
run flashcards 1 time random - 8 min
anki - 12 min max
type tomorrows set - time?
I'm trying to create the most efficient study method, taking the least amount of time, but affording the most absorption of information, while leaving little to no room for distraction or boredom. I haven't been doing well for the past few days. Does he intend to discourage the faint of heart with that first chapter, because its evil. Honestly, one of the compounds doesn't even exist in any of the Japanese dictionaries I checked, but its supposedly a common Chinese compound. WTF? Anyway. Here's to my second try at this.
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