Begin Here

Remember the Kanji 1 Flashcards
Remember the Kanji 2 Flashcards
Primitive Flashcards
Primitive Images
Kanji Chart, A 日本語勉強ブログ Exclusive (Coming Soon)

25 March 2011


Writing is my new thing. And so far, its been incredibly beneficial. I'm picking up grammar that I would have missed simply reading. I listen to the sentence if possible, then read it out loud. Then I copy the sentence, without looking at the screen if possible into a note book, while saying the sentence again in my head. Later that day, I re-read what I wrote. I've been using the Rosetta Stone core lessons as my source. And today I copied the lyrics to Motherland by Crystal Kay. For now, I think I'm going to avoid translating lyrics. I don't need the English floating around in my head needlessly. When I run out of Rosetta Stone, I also have the sentences from the Core lessons that I copied before the site put them behind a pay wall. Sadly, those don't have sound, but I've learned to work with what I've got.

As for the JLPT learning front, I'm still in the process of figuring that bugger out. The dilemma is working around the changes in the Levels with the recent addition of N5. This effects both the kanji and the vocabulary. Personally, I'd love to study the old N4 because I already am familiar with most of the material, but most of the content I've found follows the new format. Above all, the most important thing is to remain consistent, so what ever I begin with, I must stick with, because I wouldn't want to miss out on material this early in my learning.

I fucked up once again. I began studying N5 material using charts made by someone online that I planned on converting into .PDFs adding images and sentences. On top of that I was adding the images and the sentences to anki. Do you have any idea how much work that is? I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. For now, I'll stick with the anki and save screwing with the .PDF version for a review session in the far flung future. Yet another study method out the window. Oi!

Also, big news. I have figured out how to make my RTK Chart work for me. I've spent weeks fretting about something that could be fix with a simple check box. The problem was, how to hit the return key within a cell and have it start a new line of information rather than skipping to the next cell. Table inspector fix that problem. Yay! Now I can type multiple 音読み and 訓読み readings in the same cell.

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