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09 April 2011

iKnow Saved My Ass!

When school kids learn the kanji in Japan, do they also learn all its given readings? I'm just curious. And I find it difficult to believe they do. Which is why I dropped attempting to assign arbitrary readings for words that I have yet learn and won't do so for months. I don't think it possible for me to try and learn multiple readings of a kanji without having the context of words the reading employes. This is troublesome also because kanji assignments don't bow to an order of convenience. So a kanji that may have three readings for a beginners level Japanese may also have three other reading that would first better under and advanced level.
For this reason, I have dropped learning the kanji readings from my to do list. Instead, I will learn words and the readings as they come. As I go along in the future, I will take the time to compare what I've learned to lists of readings to see where I am lacking, but that is in a future time and place far from now.
I like simplicity.
And I like iKnow!
Its saving my ass and keeping me from flailing around like a fish out of water with no place to go. It may suck to have to pay for it, but that monetary price is good motivation to keep myself on track and working at as fast a pace as I can muster. And its well worth it so far.

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