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21 August 2012

Word Bank

I've done nothing for over a year with my quest to learn this language.  The insurmountable wall in my path that is preventing further study consists of the transition from the study of the kanji and their most basic meaning to the study of a language which is not phonetic.  However, I believe I am putting to fine a point on the non phonetic nature of Japanese.  So, instead I propose forgetting this detail and moving on.  

The next two biggest hurtles I plan to tackle are vocabulary and grammar.  I have a pretty strong foundation in vocabulary thanks to Rosetta Stone however my grammar is spotty at best.  From here on, I will strive to create a word bank, one that  will consider the kanji merely as a expression of a word and not be the focus of my study.  Once I have all my foundation vocabulary in the word bank and will begin a study in grammar in tandem with the additions to the word bank.  

The eventual goal being to study 20 new words and 5 new grammar points a week. I will incorporate random words from the bank in conjunction with the new words to create sentences using the grammar.  These sentences can later become a journal or stories.  I hope to a some point drop the grammar study, and continue with the vocabulary until I can succeed a JLPT1.  After that, I'll be able to read, write and comprehend the language and all will be shiny.

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