Begin Here

Remember the Kanji 1 Flashcards
Remember the Kanji 2 Flashcards
Primitive Flashcards
Primitive Images
Kanji Chart, A 日本語勉強ブログ Exclusive (Coming Soon)

19 February 2011


To simplify matters, I began with an all encompassing review of all 2042 flashcards over the past four days. Using the flashcard exchange deck, I'm even able to back and reattempt the ones I get incorrect. Not only that, but the sight keeps a study history, so that I return an restudy those later.

I'll decided where to go from here tomorrow. Also, I purchased my copy of Volume 2 via amazon, along with Kodansha's Furigana Japanese Dictionary. This is my biggest spur of the moment purchase in a while, but I have a good feeling about it. What one me over was the beautiful Furigana, no Romaji and the fact it has both English to Japanese and 日本語 to 英語 sections. I beginning to fear that my learning process may be hinder by the fact that about 80% of my study method is digital. Don't get me wrong, I love my computer, but its restrictive and non-tangible and a hot-bed of distractions.

15 February 2011

Remembering the Kanji Volume 1: Complete

I just completed the study of my final card!
But lets hold applauds, I've still got a ton of work ahead of me. Tomorrow begin a serious review session. I need this, desperately. I plan to spend to remainder of February in review mode. Depending on how I am progressing, I may proceed to Volume 2 in March or I may hold off until I feel I am read to begin with the readings.

Also, I will be adding the study resources I have created into a link menu at the top of the page. Any and everyone is free to use it, I only ask that you pass on links back to this blog so that others can find it too.

13 February 2011


I just made my 2042nd flashcard. Two more days to study those and I'm done with Remembering the Kanji: Volume 1

Valeant benefici, Poenas dent malefici!

11 February 2011


In anticipation of beginning Remembering the Kanji Volume II I just finished reading the introduction. I think I'm stressing a bit about conducting a study routine. Shamefully, I never stuck to a structured study routine with Volume I and I do not wish to repeat the same mistake. I plan to add the readings to the cards I have already created, though the reordering of the frames in Volume II will make this troublesome. Tentatively, I would like to employ the bottom three rows on the flashcards and have them look thus:

Kanji Example - Kana - Definition
New Frame#/Old Frame #

This is merely me thinking ahead because I plan to spend at least the remainder of February reviewing intensely.